Hey. I've finally managed to have time to post something. yay. For the past few months i've only been submitting crappy test games and a geography project,nothing that ive actually worked really hard on. At the mo i've been workin on a couple of seperate flashes that have only had small amounts of work put into them, and i keep giving up and starting new ideas. these flashes are:
Wind from the west: a black n white anime style movie about gangs n shootin n stuff.
Fox Hunter: a short story about a man giving up something he's been doing all his life
Gladiatores 2: a sequel to my crappy gladiatores, with the return of the "dead"
finally, im starting a series that I'm going to put more effort into than the others, called "Sketch", which will be medium length episodes filled with short comedy sketch scenes.
Well, thats about it.You probably won't be hearing more from me for a while.
In a bizzle,
Darksunda/Tom B
First comment. Anyways, i can't wait to see "sketch"
Darksunda (Updated )
cheers. its gonna be a lot different to the other crap im doing :D